Differences in Ultrasound Results for Boys and Girls

Written by: Redaksi Klikdokter.com

Perbedaan Hasil USG Bayi Laki Laki Dan Perempuan

For pregnant mommy, monitoring the condition of the fetus is one thing that should be routinely performed. In addition to pregnancy consultation with a gynecologist, technology is also very instrumental. Mommy can use ultrasound to monitor the condition of the fetus in the womb.

Maybe there are still a lot of mommies who do not understand what ultrasound is. This machine has been used for long by the gynecologist to check the pregnancy condition. This tool uses a special sound frequency when operating. The sound will be able to provide graphic condition of the fetus. The purpose of this machine is to perform the spotlight on the fetus. It would facilitate mommy to monitor the development of the fetus from month to month.

There are many benefits of ultrasound machines for babies:

  1. As the diagnosis and confirmation of early pregnancy. It is certainly important for the mommy especially in early pregnancy. The mommy also needs to understand that ultrasound could also be used to detect tumors. Therefore, ultrasound is needed so that any pregnancy disorders can be detected early.
  2. The second benefit is about how to obtain a healthy pregnancy. This means that mommy can check the position and condition of the placenta. If the placenta blocks the birth canal, it will affect the birth process. By using ultrasound, mommy can detect any interference in the placenta.
  3. The next benefit is to check the fetal heart rate. With ultrasound, mommy can ensure the growth and health of the fetus. This means that if there is a heart rate, the fetus will be able to survive 95%. Heart rate varies depending upon the age of the fetus, of course. A weak heartbeat will result in miscarriage.
  4. Next, mommy may use ultrasound to determine whether the mommy is carrying twins. By utilizing ultrasound, detecting two or more heart rates is possible. 
  5. Ultrasound test can help mommy calculate gestational age and fetal weight. This is very useful. Another benefit of ultrasound is detecting any abnormalities in the fetus.