Want to Advise Children? Here are the tips, Mom!

Written by: Redaksi Klikdokter.com

Ingin Menasihati Anak? Ini Tipsnya, Bu!

Every parent, especially the Mommy must have had her own problems regarding how to take care of her children. In this case, the issue that becomes a problem of many Mommies is about how to educate the children. 

The child is often difficult to control and fights back; so, this is often makes the Mommy stressful.  Dealing with the child with that kind of behavior, what can be done? 

Of course, as a parent, Mommy should not let this behavior to continue. To solve this matter is surely by giving advice to the child so that he understands that his actions are not right. 

However, Mommy must know how to give advice appropriately. Please refer to the following tips to give advice to children.

Things to Consider

There are some tips that can be used to give advice to the naughty and rebellious child.

  • The first tip is to know the mood of the child. By understanding the child's mood, of course, the advice that Mommy will be listened to. The right condition when giving advice to children is when the children are in normal mood. Being too happy and too sad are not the right moment to give advice to children. Mistakenly analyzing the child’s mood will actually makes Mommy’s advice useless. As parents, mommy should know about this. 
  • The second tips that Mommy can use to give advice to the child is by choosing the appropriate words and sentences that will be used in that advice. The thing to consider is about the appropriateness and necessity aspects. This means Mommy needs to avoid lengthy words and sentence because the child will not listen to those. Lengthy advice will only make Mommy become a lecturer. Consider giving advice as giving medicine. Give it at the correct dosage to overcome the problem efficiently without talking out of context. 
  • The next tips about giving advice to the child is to give advice on the child's fault and actions, rather than on the child’s character. Mommy should not attack the child’s ego because it will make him rebellious when advised. What Mommy needs to do is to tell the child that his actions are wrong and don’t put the child in a corner. 
  • One more thing to consider is to motivate the child to eliminate his wrong actions instead of cutting off his feelings. Making the child lose the confident will be fatal to the child’s psychological development. That's why, Mommy needs to be careful in giving advice to the child. 

Hopefully the parenting tips above are useful.