Special Pregnancy Preparation for Baby Girls

Written by: Redaksi Klikdokter.com

Persiapan Kehamilan Khusus untuk Bayi Perempuan

Having children is the most desirable moment for most couples. If currently Mommy is planning to seek a variety of information to prepare the pregnancy to have a child as wanted, then Mommy needs to prepare things as good as possible. 

If Mommy and the husband want to have a baby with a particular gender, for example Mommy is very happy to have a baby girl for some reasons, no need to worry. There are several ways Mommy can try to meet this expectation. 

The most important thing that Mommy needs to consider is regarding the foods and nutritional support, and also the sexual intercourse position with the husband. 

The Right Position

If Mommy wants a baby girl, try to do this following position, also calculate the fertility period. The sexual intercourse needs to be done three day before Mommy’s fertility period. 

For the position, do it facing one another to slow the sperm movement into the ovaries. This may increase the possibility of conceiving a baby girl, although cannot be guaranteed 100% successful, but it works for most couples. 

Nutritional Intake

To realize the desire of having a baby girl, Mommy should pay attention to proper nutrition needed by pregnant women. Consume the foods and beverages to get the best nutrition for the uterus and also to help the formation of a baby girl, namely minerals, calcium, and magnesium such as milk, chocolate, and nuts.

Increase the consumption of meat because it can help increase the pH and acidity in the vagina so that it can kill Y chromosome which helps the formation of a baby boy. 

In addition, yoghurt and sour fruits are also good to eat. Mommy can also get nutrition from fruits and vegetables such as bananas, papaya, red apples, papaya leaves, spinach, cauliflower, butter, margarine, cheese, tomatoes, kale, and mustard greens.

There are many other nutrients that Mommy may get from foods and beverages which can increase the chances of having a baby girl. However, keep in mind that whatever the sex of the baby, it is the best gift from God, so that Mommy and the husband can look after and raise her well with great love and affection.