Pregnant Women Tips in Choosing a Good Delivery Place

Written by: Redaksi

Tips Ibu Hamil Dalam Memilih Tempat Bersalin Yang Baik

Before the birth of the baby, Mommy and her husband had to immediately prepare the place of delivery. Here are the tips to choose a good maternity hospital.

The Distance from home

Delivery can come anytime unexpectedly, in the morning, in the afternoon, or at night. Be sure to find a maternity hospital within easy reach from the residence. If mommy lives in urban areas, it is also important, that the problem of traffic jam may affect the trip to the hospital. 


It is important to pay attention to the facilities of the maternity hospital. Visit before you choose it. See if there is a good operating room. Find out if there are NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) facilities. NICU is important to address the issue of emergency so that the baby can be helped if there is a problem. In addition, baby incubator facilities are also important.

In addition to the existing support facilities at the delivery moment, the most important facility is the ward. Is there a room for IMD (Early Initiation of Breastfeeding) with lactation consulting facility? Because this room is very important for the future needs of breastfeeding.


Choose a maternity hospital which already has a good reputation. Mommy certainly would not want to if handled by midwives who are still in training or medical students who are still in  practice, right?


Cleanliness and comfort of maternity hospital is also part of the important tips pregnant women. This is important not only for mommy, but also for the husband and other family members who are taking care of mommy. Comfortable conditions also affect mommy’s mind in dealing with delivery.

Medical Personnel

Doctors are also important to be considered. In addition to experience, the easiness to consult with a physician is also important. There are many characteristics of a good doctor, such as:

1. Friendly

Friendly doctor will greatly help mommy so mommy will be more convenient to consult.

2. Easy to be Contacted

In addition, the good doctor is also easily accessible whenever mommy requires consultation.

3. Method to Provide Consulting

The way to provide consultancy is also important. Choose a doctor who is not always in a rush and able to answer all questions properly. 

Administration System 

The next thing to consider is the administrative system. Make sure to carefully take care of everything, including insurance and transfers. So, mommy will not waste too much time.

The Cost of Labor

The last pregnant women tips is the cost of labor. Select a maternity hospital that is affordable to your budget. Thus, there will be no financial problems in the family and mommy will get the best help needed.