Identify Causes of Anemia in Pregnancy and Solutions

Written by: Redaksi

Kenali Penyebab Anemia pada Kehamilan dan Cara Mengatasinya

Pregnant women should certainly pay more attention to their health because it will affect the baby's health. There are some health conditions that are particularly vulnerable in pregnant women, one of which is anemia. This is due to the pregnant women’s needs of iron is increasing in accordance with the level of fetal developments. It is undeniable that every pregnant woman should be more vigilant about the anemic condition before becoming pregnant despite never experiencing anemia at all.

Although anemia in pregnancy is not a strange thing, this condition could be dangerous if not handled properly from the beginning of pregnancy so that pregnant women need to understand more about the causes and symptoms of anemia in order to overcome the anemia condition more quickly and accurately.

Causes and Symptoms

Anemia occurs because pregnant women are experiencing iron deficiency which is an important element in red blood cells. Iron is a nutrient that is essential for the formation of hemoglobin that carries oxygen throughout the body. The condition of pregnancy causes an increase in the amount of blood in the body of pregnant women up to 50%. To that end, the need for iron will also be much more increased to meet the need for the formation of hemoglobin which is also increasing.

Anemia can also occur when pregnant women suffer from lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid. In addition, anemia can also occur due to certain pregnancy diseases or blood disorders due to hereditary factors.

Generally anemia will cause symptoms that can be felt by pregnant women such as dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, dizzy eyes, quickly tired, less appetite and immunity, and being feinted. These symptoms need to be aware of and it is recommended for pregnant women to consult a doctor immediately when experiencing these symptoms.

How to Overcome

Anemia can be treated quickly and appropriately if pregnant women are more responsive in detecting early symptoms of anemia before reaching the first trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women need to be aware of the dangers of anemia by identifying the potential anemia owned by pregnant women. This can be done with a blood test and discuss the results with the doctor.

Prevention is much better than treatment. It would be much better for pregnant women to prevent anemia by maintaining iron intake. For example, increasing the consumption of foods high in iron such as brown rice, dark green vegetables, nuts, oatmeal and meat.

Additional supplements of iron can also be taken with a doctor's advice and consent. Consumption of iron supplements will bring changes to the conditions of pregnant women or less after one week, and anemic condition of pregnant women can usually be resolved after one month. Pregnant women should avoid excessive diet so that the red blood cell production is not disrupted.