Steps to Handle Difficult Children

Written by: Redaksi

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For parents, the child of course be a treasure that is not worth the price. But in educating children, there will certainly be a lot of problems that arise so that it becomes a burden for the parents.

The most frequent problems are naughty children, so it would be a burden for parents in educating. Then what can cause the child to be naughty? 

Fundamental reasons

The first reason is because the child is experiencing problems in adapting to the environment or those which tend to be antisocial and selfish.

The second reason is that he is indeed a child with a lot of tricks so that he will do a lot of mischievous ideas to friends, parents, siblings, and others.

Handling Tips

As parents who have naughty children, there are certainly much to be done to overcome these problems. There are some tips that Mommy may do.

The first tips to deal with the difficult child is by avoiding to use bad manners such as scolding and yelling. This way will not make the child obedient, but it will make him more naughty. 

What Mommy can do is doing a subtle approach, such as by telling the child what to do, and if possible, Mommy needs to set good example to the child in order to change his behavior. Giving examples of good behavior certainly will have an impact on the child. While scolding will only make the child feel depressed and becomes more rebellious. 

But sometimes when the child's behavior is over the limit, sometimes Mommy needs to be angry. But remember that the critics will not be about the child’s character, but the child’s behavior. Criticizing the child’s character will make him inferior and incapable of learning about the mistakes he made about his naughty behavior. 

By criticizing the child’s behavior, he would know that other people must have the same opinion about his behavior as naughty children. Eventually the child will surely learn about the mistake and began to change the attitude that he has. 

The idea of the next parenting tips that can be applied is to create rules that have been discussed in advance with the child. The rules will surely have the consequences so that the child will try to avoid his naughty behavior. Enforce the rules with firmness.

With that approach, of course, the child will see Mommy as democratic parental figures and would imitate the good behavior his Mommy has. Being patient certainly becomes the next tips.

The more patient Mommy is, the better it is to cope with Mommy’s difficult child. Don’t forget to give praise for his achievements or good grades. Forgetting to compliment him would absolutely make the child feel disappointed.