5 Things Husbands Need to Do During Their Wife's Pregnancy

Written by: Redaksi Klikdokter.com

Buah yang Dilarang untuk Ibu Hamil, Berbahaya!

Pregnancy is a period when the physical and mental condition of a woman is drained. There are a lot of changes which occur during pregnancy, such as hormonal changes which cause disorders such as nausea and vomiting, and physical changes in terms of body enlargement. These various changes often cause discomfort for the expectant mother. To that end, the role of the husband is needed so that the expectant mother can go through the pregnancy period with a healthy, smooth, and comfortable feeling.

Below are 5 MUSTs for the husband during the wife’s pregnancy : 

1. Devoting attention

 Most men do not require a lot of attention as women, thereby making the husband is not aware of the times when his wife in need of attention. When the wife is pregnant, the husband is expected to be an active observer, for example by identifying the changes in shape when the fetus is being examined, observing the baby kicks, reading or presenting the Koran recitals / classical music to the fetus, talking with his wife about her feelings and conditions, and figuring out how to maintain a healthy pregnancy by visiting the medical websites and reading pregnancy books with his wife.

2. SIAGA – Being an Alert Husband 

Like the message delivered by government health ad, the husband must "SIap Antar jaGa – Ready, to Transport, to Guard” throughout the wife’s pregnancy period until childbirth. The husband is expected to leave work earlier to accompany his wife for maternal consultation and most importantly, being with her during the labor process. 

3. Maintaining the Wife’s Health 

When the wife is experiencing lifestyle changes, the husband may also change his lifestyle to adjust with his pregnant wife. For example, if the husband is a smoker, he is expected not to smoke in the house or when being with his wife. He needs to support the wife during the period of morning sickness, cravings, dizziness, and others. 

4. Serving the Wife 

One of them is accompanying the wife to shop for baby needs and accessories. The husband is expected to be a little patient if his wife takes longer time than usual. The husband may also offer to cook for his wife, because these things can make the wife rely on the husband in everything and improving her spirit and love. 

5. Talking about Future Plans

Especially regarding the baby such as changing the bedroom to give space for the baby crib or creating a new room for the baby. Also discuss the names which will be given to the baby. A name is the best gift which parents can give to their children. Choose the best name that you may find and agree upon together.