Easy Way to Calculate the Fertile Period

Written by: Redaksi Klikdokter.com

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Not all women can calculate the fertility period. There are several ways to do it. One of them is manually calculating the fertility period. How to manually calculate the fertile period is also different depending on the type of menstrual period, including regular or irregular menstrual period. 

Here is the brief information about how to calculate the fertility period, which would certainly be very beneficial for Mommy who really wants to have a baby. 

Irregular Menstrual Cycle

Irregular menstrual cycle is commonly found in most women. Sometimes 30 days or even up to 40 days. Some of them only have 24 days during the 2nd month. This unstable menstrual period is often experienced by young women. 

To calculate the irregular fertility period like this, Mommy must calculate at least 6 months interval between the menstrual period. For example:

  • The first month: 24 days
  • Second month: 27 days
  • Third month: 28 days
  • Fourth month: 26 days
  • Fifth month: 30 days
  • The sixth month: 26 days

To calculate the fertility period with irregular menstrual cycles, Mommy can identify the first day of the fertility period by calculating the number of shortest days subtracted by 18. Meanwhile, to identify the last day of the fertility period, Mommy can calculate it by adding the longest days subtracted by 11. 

For example, to determine the first day of the fertility period, Mommy can calculate it as follows : 24-18 = 6, while the last day can be calculated as follows : 30-11 = 19. So Mommy’s fertility period is around the 19th day after the menstrual period. 

Regular Menstrual Cycle

If Mommy has regular menstrual cycles, the calculation is relatively easy. If Mommy has menstrual cycle of 28 days, the first day of the menstrual cycle can be regarded as the first day, while day 12 to day 16 of the menstrual cycle in a period called the fertile period.

By knowing the fertile period, Mommy will certainly be much more stable to start planning a pregnancy. Mommy could also set the exact time to have the sexual intercourse with the husband. 

In order to increase the chance of conceiving a baby, choose the right time to have the sexual intercourse, which is during the fertile period. Don’t forget to pay attention to the nutrition as well as the adoption of a healthy lifestyle such as regular exercise and avoiding tobacco and alcoholic beverages.

With this information, it would be beneficial for Mommy who really wants the presence of a baby. In addition to doing a lot of efforts, it is important for Mommy to always say a prayer to God so that Mommy will have a baby soon.