Bleeding During Pregnancy? Do not panic!

Written by: Redaksi

Pendarahan Saat Kehamilan? Jangan Panik!

Pregnancy would feel very nice if there are no significant health problems during pregnancy. Many women often feel stressful when they experience it. One of the most common problems is bleeding that often occurs during pregnancy.

Mommy will generally panic in case of bleeding during pregnancy. To see the bloodstains out of the vagina become so fearful for pregnant women, the anxiety can even lead to miscarriage. What exactly causes bleeding during pregnancy? What should Mommy do if Mommy is experiencing bleeding during pregnancy?

Causes of Bleeding

Bleeding during pregnancy can occur in early pregnancy, in the middle of pregnancy, and up to the end of pregnancy. There are several causes of bleeding in pregnancy, namely bleeding caused by diseases of pregnancy such as fetal failure caused by viruses infecting the uterus, infection of the neck of the cervix, and tumors triggering a miscarriage.

A cause of bleeding during pregnancy can also caused by the location of the placenta which is too down; this usually occurs when the pregnancy is entering the end of pregnancy period. These are common causes which trigger bleeding during pregnancy. Other unknown causes may be the trigger of bleeding during pregnancy. 

For pregnant Mommy, Mommy should know the causes of bleeding during pregnancy. This is important so that Mommy can prevent this from happening. 

Staying Calm

For Mommy who is experiencing bleeding during pregnancy, don’t panic. The most important key to handle the bleeding during pregnancy is to stay calm and not to panic. Panic can lead to worse things. If Mommy got panic when bleeding, the fetus will also feel the stress. Mommy’s health condition will also be greatly affected by the level of panic.  

What does Mommy need to do when bleeding? Mommy must remain calm and immediately consult an obstetrician or midwife for a check. Mommy should not put it off.

The obstetrician must immediately check the condition of the pregnancy and ascertain the cause of the bleeding that occurs. Mommy should explain in details to the doctor about the bleeding that occurs, such as the amount of blood that comes out, the color of blood, the pain that accompanies, and so forth.

Lastly, Mommy must always be calm, keep on praying, and have a positive thinking. This will greatly help Mommy to stay relaxed which will also be very useful for the fetus in the womb.