He's Sleep Position Pregnancy Good and Convenient

Written by: Redaksi Klikdokter.com

Posisi Tidur yang Baik dan Aman untuk Ibu Hamil

During pregnancy, mothers need to pay attention to a comfortable and safe sleeping position to support personal health and the development of the baby. One of the best recommended positions is sleeping on your left side, as it helps reduce symptoms such as back pain and shortness of breath.

In order to sleep soundly, let's find out the guide to sleeping positions for pregnancy below.

Good Sleeping Position for Pregnant Women

What is a comfortable and safe sleeping position for pregnant women? Here are the recommendations:

Supine Sleeping Position

This position is highly recommended because it is the best sleeping position for young pregnant women. However, after the 16th week, sleeping on your back is not recommended. Because this position carries the risk of back pain, hemorrhoids and digestive disorders.

Apart from that, breathing and blood circulation are also disturbed. Sleeping on your back is also prohibited for pregnant women who suffer from hypertension, because it can further increase the mother's blood pressure.

Then, many rumors circulated that sleeping on your back all night could increase the chance of miscarriage. However, this research is still limited on a small scale, and other factors such as sleep apnea may also play an important role. However, study results show that pregnant women who avoid lying on their backs after reaching 28 weeks of pregnancy can reduce the risk of miscarriage by up to 5.8%.

Sleeping Position on Left Side

A good sleeping position for pregnant women is on the left side. This is recommended by doctors because it allows optimal blood flow from the inferior vena cava (a large blood vessel) to the heart and baby.

Sleeping on the left side also reduces pressure on the liver and kidneys, giving them more room to function properly and helping reduce swelling in the hands, ankles and feet. This position is ideal for supporting mother's health and baby's development during pregnancy.

Sleeping Position on Right Side

So, shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their right side? Sleeping on the right side in pregnant women is not considered dangerous, although sleeping on the left side is more commonly recommended. These two sleeping positions still have the same level of safety, although sleeping on your right side slightly increases the risk of pressing on the inferior vena cava.

Every pregnant woman can find the most comfortable sleeping position for her. If tilting to the right is more comfortable or easier to sleep, there is no big problem as long as the pregnant woman feels good and does not experience discomfort or excessive pressure on her body.

Avoid sleeping on your stomach

Sleeping on your stomach for pregnant women can be done until around the 16-18th week of pregnancy. However, when the stomach begins to enlarge, this position may feel uncomfortable and undesirable. In terms of safety, mothers don't need to worry too much because the uterine walls and amniotic fluid will protect the baby from excessive pressure.

To make sleeping on your stomach more comfortable, you can consider using a special sleeping pillow designed for sleeping on your stomach. There are pillows that can be filled with air and there are also those that are solid with a large middle section to support the stomach.

The benefits of using a pregnancy pillow are that it provides additional support to the body during pregnancy, helps reduce discomfort while sleeping, and provides the right support to help make the sleeping position more comfortable and safe for pregnant women. Let's read more about how to use this pillow on the following page: Benefits of a Pregnancy Pillow and How to Use It.

Tips for Sleeping Well During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, restful sleep is key to the mother's health and comfort as well as optimal baby development. Here are some tips that can help pregnant women sleep more comfortably throughout each trimester:

First Trimester

Mothers can sleep in any position that feels comfortable in early pregnancy. However, if you want to get used to sleeping on your side, try placing a pillow between your legs to make your hips and lower body more comfortable.

Second Trimester

As your stomach grows, make sure the mattress is firm enough so your back doesn't sag. If the mattress is too soft, consider placing a board between the mattress and the bed spring. A U- or C-shaped pregnancy pillow can wrap around the mother's body and help her sleep on her side more comfortably.

Third Trimester

Continue using a pregnancy pillow to support your body. If you feel like your pregnancy pillow is too big for your growing belly, consider using a wedge pillow. Place a pillow under your stomach and behind your back to prevent rolling.

If it is difficult to adapt to sleeping on your side, try using a pillow to keep your upper body at a 45 degree angle so that the inferior vena cava (IVC) is not compressed and you don't have to sleep on your back.