Ideal Pregnancy Distance Between First and Second Child

Written by: Redaksi

Jarak Kehamilan Ideal Antara Anak Pertama dan Kedua

Pregnancy interval becomes one of the frequently discussed issues when talking about pregnancy. The fundamental question might be how long is the ideal interval between the first and second pregnancies; the second with the third, and the next? '.

Why Does Pregnancy Interval Need to be Considered? 

Some couples have different purposes related to the age gap of their children. Some parents want to have a small gap in order to have a closer connection in communication later on. 

Besides, there are couples who want to wait longer for having the second child, such as five years or more, so that they can devote full affection to their first child. The ideal age gap would be the absolute opinion for each couple. 

Nevertheless, the theory has its own benchmark on pregnancy spacing between the first-second children; second-third, and so on. The ideal interval, which is calculated from child birth until the next pregnancy, is two to five years. This is based on medical and psychological calculations. 

The first calculation is of medical terms. The interval of two years allows Mommy to have a better recovery after labor. Mommy needs to regain her declining health condition when pregnant, labor process, and caring for newborn. Giving birth in a short pregnancy interval will also negatively affect the mother’s health. 

In addition, two years is the ideal time for a baby to get breast milk which is beneficial for both mother and baby. Two years of breastfeeding will give a positive impact on the health and intelligence of the child. If the mother is pregnant for the second child while still providing breastfeeding for the first child, she would possibly give less attention to the first child and unintentionally reduce the nutrition in the breast milk since she also need to focus on giving nutrition to the fetus in the womb. Thus, the first child will not get the ideal amount of attention and milk from the mother, which may affect the growth.

The second calculation is in terms of child psychology. Generally, in theory, children can begin to understand or to accept their sister/brother when they are over the age of two years. Therefore, if their mothers become pregnant and give birth before they reach that age, it is rather difficult for them to accept the existence of 'someone new' in the middle of his family.

Pregnancy Calculation for an Ideal Age Gap 

In order to have good health as well as to provide the best for the first child (in the form of attention and breast milk), it is advisable for Mommy to calculate the pregnancy. Record the date of the pregnancy, date of giving birth, and date when Mommy ‘is permitted to get pregnant’ for the second child. By doing so, the second pregnancy could be handled properly.

One of the efforts to 'delay' the pregnancy to give an ideal age gap is to provide breastfeeding for full two years. Apart from providing the best nutrition for the baby, breastfeeding is also beneficial to minimize chances of getting pregnant in a span of two years.