Plan to Get Pregnant with Careful Preparation

Written by: Redaksi

Rencanakan Hamil dengan Persiapan Matang

The purpose of planning a pregnancy is important for married Mommy, moreover, if wants to have a baby. Because unplanned pregnancy can sometimes be risky for the mother and the baby and it can be life threatening if it is too careless.

There are many consideration factors for the planning. One of the considerations is to conduct pregnancy consultation. An important question that submitted to the Mommy at the time of consultation is why it is necessary to plan a pregnancy? It is because a reasonable planning can provide benefits to avoid problems. One of them is related to health. Mommies can avoid the complications of the disease and have a healthy baby of course because mommy already has knowledge before pregnancy. In addition, Mommy can get a perfect diet chart according to the needs and to meet the specific nutritional intake for Mommy.

Planning the first pregnancy is the change in diet. Nutritional intake should certainly be considered for Mommy. Enough nutrients in the diet should be added immediately before pregnancy.

When pregnant, Mommy requires folic acid and be sure to consume the recommended amount. At least 400 micrograms of folic acid needs to be consumed every day. Various studies have shown that folic acid can reduce the risk of birth defects. Mommy can get it naturally through iron-rich foods or in supplementation form. 

Next is the importance of avoiding alcohol and dangerous drugs. Miscarriage is common in drug-addicted mommy. In addition, the baby can also be mentally retarded.

So Mommies, did you prepare your pregnancy well?