Plan Your Second Pregnancy Carefully

Written by: Redaksi

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Second pregnancy for a mother requires good planning and the support of her husband and family. If Mommy and the husband feel it is time to plan the second pregnancy, there are things that must be considered in order to plan the second pregnancy in order to meet the expectations of Mommy and the husband. 

In planning for a second pregnancy, there are certain things to be prepared : 

Setting the Pregnancy Interval

Mommy's womb is ready for a new pregnancy within 3 months after giving birth. However, based on research, a safe interval to the next pregnancy is 27 to 32 months after giving birth. Setting the pregnancy interval will result in a great opportunity to have a healthy baby. If Mommy had a Caesarean-section during labor, it is advisable to consult an obstetrician in setting for the next pregnancy. 

Removing Contraceptives

If Mommy and the husband are planning to have a baby, they need to remove the contraceptives a few months before deciding to become pregnant. This is done to maintain the normal menstrual cycle (except the use of spiral which allows pregnancy once the tool is removed). The contraceptives in the form of pills and injections may need several months for setting the condition for Mommy to be pregnant.

Pre-pregnancy check-up

If Mommy and the husband are really ready to enter the pregnancy period, it is necessary to carry out pre-pregnancy check-up to ensure Mommy’s health condition. After the check-up, a complete gynecology test including lab tests needs to be conducted. 

Preparing the Psychological Condition of the First Child 

Psychological and mental preparation for the first child is important so that the child will not feel left out. This can be carried out by naturally explaining that the presence of the baby will not change Mommy’s attention and affection. 

In preparing for pregnancy, Mommy’s body requires nutrition such as Folic Acid, Calcium, Vitamins and Minerals. All of these nutrients are contained in milk with complete nutrition, namely PRENAGEN esensis, which is good to be consumed at 3 to 4 months prior to pregnancy preparation.