Get to know the Pregnancy Journal and its Benefits

Written by: Redaksi

Mengenal Jurnal Kehamilan dan Manfaatnya

Make a pregnancy journal is one of the activities that can be done during pregnancy. Mommy experiencing first time pregnancy is often confused with this journal. There are several ways to make a pregnancy journal. Let's check them all. 

Online pregnancy journal. Journals can be written like a diary. Publication of the journal is to share. Really suitable for Mommy who goes online frequently. 

Portable pregnancy journal. Journals are written using a smart phone. Express Mommy’s feeling in this journal. Write journal in spare time and do it every day.

Diary form pregnancy journal. Write a journal such as a diary. Provide a special book and write it every day. Put some accessories and place some photos as desired. Make sure that this is interesting to read. 

Calendar form pregnancy journal. This journal can be purchased in bookstores. This journal type is more practical. Elements such as the date, month, and year are already listed. Also write important schedules during pregnancy and any information related to the pregnancy. 

Mommy needs to know about the benefits of having a pregnancy journal. A pregnancy journal can improve the feeling that Mommy is experiencing. Attach photos and ultrasound scans as supporting data. Do not forget to include the physical and health condition data. Food type to be consumed can also be mentioned. Put some ornaments to make it attractive so Mommy can see it anytime.

Journals can also help Mommy to accept the ongoing situation. This acceptance is related with some changes in Mommy. The journal can also be written by the husband. Write some comparisons before and during pregnancy, include some funny or attractive photos to reduce stress. The journal is also useful even after giving birth because Mommy can re-read the journal as a reminder.

Hopefully this pregnancy journal may help Mommy to deal with the pregnancy joyfully. Good luck and enjoy your pregnancy.