When Do Blood Spots Sign of Pregnancy Appear?

Written by: Redaksi Klikdokter.com

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All mommies would want to keep the pregnancy properly so that fetal growth is always healthy. In fact, many mommies are not vigilant. They should know the signs that could endanger the pregnancy.

Underestimating these signs only lead to disappointments. The problem occurs because many mommies do not understand these signs. Here are some dangerous signs during pregnancy : 

1. Bleeding

Of course mommy is afraid with it. Bleeding is the major sign of the dangers and may illustrate the possibilities of what would happen. Bleeding is an indication of miscarriage. Of course mommy should immediately check the pregnancy to the doctor. There was also bleeding as an indication of hydatidiform mole. This is a degeneration of the placenta that causes cysts. Of course mommy does not want to experience this.

2. Swelling

Swelling can occur in many parts, especially the feet. But can also be on other parts, such as hands and face. Swelling is an indication of several things. So what are the indications? The most obvious is the possibility of hypertension. Of course this is very harmful to mommy’s health When hypertension occurs, then mommy needs to check the pregnancy condition immediately. 

3. High fever

Fever sometimes makes mommy confused whether this is just a symptom of common illness. Fever can be an indication of the presence of infection in the fetus. When underrated, high fever may affect the mommy or the fetus. The mommy needs to be aware of this symptom when the body is experiencing this condition. 

4. Premature rupture of membrane

This sign may be an indication that there is a premature fetal condition. When mommy is experiencing, there would be unfavorable consequences. Therefore, mommy must immediately check the condition of the fetus. Fetus who is born prematurely is has certain risks in terms of health.

5. Appetite decrease

Decrease in appetite likely happens when mommy is sick. If ignored, it may be risky for both parties, the mommy and the fetus. 

All the aforementioned signs should be concerned so that mommy could maintain the pregnancy until the time for delivery. Hopefully mommy and the fetus will always be healthy and do not experience the undesirable things.