Characteristics of 2 Weeks Pregnancy

Written by: Redaksi

Ciri-ciri Hamil 2 Minggu yang Perlu Ibu Sadari

In early pregnancy, there are many signs of pregnancy that Mommy is feeling. This happens because it is difficult to calculate ovulation. It is also difficult to predict the exact time the ovum is fertilized by the sperm. However, after the fetal reaches two weeks, the beginning of pregnancy is marked with an ovulation. 

Ovulation is the release of an ovum from the ovary. After intercourse, the sperm fertilizes the ovum. The conception interval cannot be accurately determined. At this early pregnancy, there are many changes in the body. During 2 weeks of pregnancy, the pregnancy sign that usually appears is nausea. Also back pain, fatigue and mood changes. All these disturbances are normal during early pregnancy.

These early pregnancy disorders will not last for long. With the increasing fetal age, the disorder will gradually disappear. But, make sure that the ovulation is well-developed. If mommy has other symptoms, then immediately consult a doctor, consume more healthy foods and vitamins, and start to plan a proper sexual intercourse. 

Besides, sports should also be done regularly. This is to improve blood circulation to the fetus. Do not forget the extra calories and protein in Mommy’s diet. Because pregnant women feed 2 people.

And most importantly, always check any signs of early pregnancy in order to stay healthy to go through the pregnancy period. Follow all the advice from the obstetrician thoroughly. If possible, take sessions of pregnancy workouts.