The Needs of Vitamins during Pregnancy

Written by: Redaksi

Jenis Vitamin Ibu Hamil Trimester 1 yang Harus Dipenuhi

Pregnant women need a lot of nutrition that is useful to give the fetus the nutrients needed. Different from pre-pregnancy, Mommy must be able to give complete and sufficient nutrition so that the fetus will not experience lack of necessary nutrition during the period in the womb.

However, it doesn’t mean that Mommy needs to eat excessively, because it is not good if Mommy’s weight increased dramatically and this may increase the risk of hypertension during pregnancy. For that, Mommy should really pay attention to the nutritional value of the food that is consumed by Mommy. 

Of the various types of nutrition which are important for pregnant women, vitamin is one that is able to provide many benefits to Mommy and the fetus. In that case, let's learn and broaden the knowledge of the vitamin so Mommy can get all the proper and beneficial nutrients. 

Types and Benefits of Vitamins 

Nutritional needs in the form of vitamin for pregnant women must be completed, and it is also the doctor’s advice that Mommy check the pregnancy on a regular basis. 

Vitamin C is one vitamin that is very important. Vitamin C can be obtained from citrus fruits, red vegetables, green vegetables, and yellow vegetables. The benefit is to prevent Mommy and the fetus from infection and also to heal wounds faster and placenta becomes stronger.

Vitamin B12 is also an important part of being able to help form red blood cells and the central nerve system of the fetus. Vitamin B2 is also important because it can provide critical support for the growth of the fetus in the first week and is able to prevent skin and eye irritation. This vitamin can be obtained from green vegetables, milk, yeast, eggs and liver.

Vitamin A is also very important; try to consume this vitamin 3 times a day. Vitamin A can be obtained from a variety of foods such as carrots, milk, egg yolks, margarine, and green vegetables. Benefits for Mommy’s body and the fetus are able to keep the skin healthy while pregnant. Mommy can also avoid dental problems during pregnancy. Other vitamins that are essential for pregnancy nutrition is Vitamin K, Vitamin B5, B6, Vitamin D, E, and Vitamin B3.

Minimizing Risks 

Consumption of vitamins is very important for pregnant women because this is one of nutrition during pregnancy that will be very useful for Mommy’s own health and also the fetus in the womb. 

The shortage of some vitamins can be detrimental to Mommy’s health and also the condition of the fetus because it can cause growth disorders while still in the womb.