What You Need to Know About Recovery After Childbirth

Written by: Redaksi Klikdokter.com

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Mommy has now been relieved after giving birth to a healthy baby. Mommy may still remember the labor process which was incredible. However, the task is not finished yet. Now Mommy still needs to take care of the baby and also provide exclusive breastfeeding. In fact, there are many things that should be known after childbirth.

After giving birth, most Mommies still feel the pain in the vital organs or in the C-Section scars. This is normal and should be quickly healed. Especially for Mommy who must get back to work, the recovery process becomes extremely important.

For some Mommies who gave birth by Caesarian section, it will take longer time for the scar to heal, so adequate rest may help Mommy to do the routine activities. So what are some things to consider after giving birth? Mommy will get the answers here.

Recovery of the Body

There are some tips that Mommy should do if Mommy wants to recover quickly and have a fit body after birth. Here are some tips that Mommy should do for post-partum recovery:

Mommy should not do sexual intercourse before the body is totally recovered. Mommy’s sex organs are not fully recovered. Mommy should wait until 4 to 6 weeks of postpartum for the sexual intercourse. 

Do many activities gradually after giving birth will speed up the recovery process. 

Manage the household chores with the husband or other family members in taking care of the baby. 

Drink warm peppermint tea so that the stomach is not bloating. 

Have a rest for at least 8 hours a day for quick recovery. 

Don’t panic when having excessive sweating. It is natural to happen due to the stimulation of the hormone oxytocin.

Healing Stitches

For Mommy who had stitches after delivery, Mommy should also know how to heal suture wounds quickly so Mommy can return to normal activities. Wound stitches will generally be recovered two weeks after giving birth.

Here are the things that will help the process of recovery and healing of stitches from a cesarean section:

Maintain the cleanliness of the area around the stitches so that there will be no infection.

Mommy should rest normally and minimize the physical activities. 

Do some sports regularly so that blood flow to the pelvic region will be smooth.

Make sure that the vaginal area is always clean and dry.

Compress the stitches with cold water for a few minutes in order to avoid swelling.

Consume the healthy foods to avoid constipation because it will aggravate the stitches in the Mommy’s belly.