Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Pregnancy

Written by: Redaksi

Tips Menjaga Kehamilan Agar Tetap Sehat

Pregnant woman's body is different from a woman's body in general. As soon as Mommy knows that she is pregnant, she should start to stay fit and healthy in order to experience a normal pregnancy. A normal pregnancy can be obtained by maintaining the physical and emotional state. Thus, Mommy’s opportunity to enjoy a trouble-free pregnancy will even be greater. Eventually, Mommy could also give birth to a healthy and normal baby. Therefore, there are some pregnancy tips that Mommy needs to do. 

Paying more attention to food consumption is one of the tips for pregnant women that should not be forgotten. Calcium, iron, DHA, choline, and folic acid should always be consumed. Pregnant women should also avoid foods that are not cooked well, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes. 

If these nutrients cannot be obtained through food, Mommy needs to take supplements. The supplements include vitamins and minerals. Other additional supplements should be consulted with the doctor first. Some types of nutrients should not be consumed too much by pregnant women.

Pregnant conditions sometimes make mommy feel sluggish and less energetic. Some pregnant women even reduce the activity so that the fetus can develop optimally. However, Mommy still needs some exercises. Useful exercises will increase the stamina. In addition, exercise is also useful to train the flexibility of muscles that will support labor process. The type of exercises must be adapted to Mommy’s condition and skills. 

Mommy also needs to protect herself from the harmful substances from the surrounding. Don’t forget to see a dentist for oral and dental health because it will affect the health of the fetus. Emotional health also needs to be kept up with changes in hormones that affect the emotional stability. Hopefully these pregnancy tips are useful.