Safe and Comfortable Intercourse Tips in Early Pregnancy

Written by: Redaksi

Tips Aman dan Nyaman Berhubungan saat Hamil Muda

Many couples are still afraid to have sexual intercourse during pregnancy, but there are also some couples who don’t have any problems having sex when the wife is pregnant. Actually, is it healthy to have sexual intercourse during pregnancy? 

Having sexual intercourse is a need for all married couples. Some medical researchers pointed out that sexual intercourse during pregnancy is legitimate or should be done whether both partners know how to perform the safe intercourse at this particular moment. 

The safe sexual position during pregnancy should also be considered. If the woman is pregnant, the man and woman should not face to face when having sex. This is to prevent non-accidental actions by man such as kicking the woman’s belly during penetration. If this happens, there is a great possibility that she will directly experience bleeding and miscarriage. 

Using the Proper Sex Position

To prevent that non-accidental action from happening, the most appropriate sex position is lying-on-the-side (tilted) position. This tilted position would make the woman not facing the man directly. The man himself could hold her from behind while doing penetration. This method is considered safe enough for some couples because the intercourse will not directly affect the fetus. 

Having sexual intercourse when the woman is pregnant is also very interesting for some people. They assume that sexual intercourse during pregnancy can make a woman more easily aroused or have an orgasm. Female sex organs will be easily get wet during pregnancy so that they add more enjoyment. Plus, the woman’s breasts will be enlarged compared to before pregnancy, and this may also add the excitement. Therefore, it can be concluded that sexual intercourse for pregnant woman is permitted. 

Possible Uniqueness 

Sexual intercourse during pregnancy may sometimes lead to some unique things, including the woman inadvertently will secrete milk through the nipple. It is not something that should be feared because Mommy’s milk secretion in the nipple is normal when having sexual intercourse. It will make the sexual activity more exciting.

In order to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy, be sure to always consume foods and beverages which are healthy and nutritious. As long as Mommy keep doing the her daily activities safely, the baby will be born healthy.